Naga Ghost Chilli Seeds
Heat: 10+++/10
Approx 15 seeds per packet
Info: There's nothing like growing your own, and these Naga Ghost Chilli seeds should provide you with a good crop of superhot chillies so you too have have your own chilli-eating contest.
Once the plants are established, they will work hard for you, however there are a few tips on germination. Sow near the top of the seed compost with just a sprinkling of compost over the top - chilli seeds don't like being too deep in the soil. Keep well watered and also keep them really warm in a heated propagator, on a heat mat or in a closed plastic bag on top of the fridge at the back where the warm air comes out. Look after them when they are seedlings, you don't want to stress them at this stage - that comes later when the pods are forming. When your plant begins to flower, you will need to pollinate them using a paintbrush or cotton bud and just poke the stamens of each flower. This will allow it to set seed. When the first fruit appear, pick these off and this again will encourage it to flower and fruit more. More information can be found at
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